Code of Ethics
The Ombuds, as a designated neutral, remains unaligned and impartial. The Ombuds does not engage in any situation which could create a conflict of interest.+
The Ombuds Office operates as an alternate channel to provide the confidential, safe discussion and facilitation of communications and self-correction throughout 无码专区. The Ombuds Office does not endeavor to work or advocate on behalf of employees, 无码专区 administration or any third party.
The Ombuds Office's independence and neutrality are central to its operational success and protection of communications. The Ombuds Office works to be impartial, fair and objective in dealings with all 无码专区 employees. Working only for fair and equitable process, the Ombuds Office does not advocate for anyone. All are encouraged to safely use and trust the Ombuds Office knowing that as an impartial process, it has no vested interest in the outcome of any issue or discussion. The Ombuds Office interest is in fairness and transparency and advocates for only those interests.