

Examples | Table on a Single Page: |
Example |


A table is typically a set of facts or figures systematically displayed in columns and rows. The use of color is acceptable.

The table does not need to be on the exact page where it is discussed in the manuscript. If the table will not fit on the page where it is first mentioned, we strongly suggest that it either be on the next page or compiled at the end of the chapter, along with all the other tables from that chapter. If a table needs to be pushed to a new page, be sure to fill in excess space on the previous page with text from after the table.

NOTE: If the table has been previously published or has been drawn from other source material, you must determine whether copyright permission is needed. (Consult with the publisher or 无码专区鈥檚 copyright librarian.)


General Formatting
  • Font: Same style as the manuscript. Size may be reduced to as low as 8 pt. but must remain legible.
  • Line Spacing: May be single-spaced or double-spaced.

Landscape Tables
Tables and Figures too wide to fit on a vertical page, and remain legible, may be placed on a landscape page.

Tables may be inserted within the manuscript one of the three following ways:

  • within the text (preferred)
  • on free-standing pages in the related chapter (not recommended unless necessary)
  • compiled at the end of each chapter

The way tables are inserted into the manuscript must be consistent across the entire manuscript.

The page numbers associated with each table matches the page number listed in the List of Tables.

Table Caption Formatting
  • Table captions must be placed above the tables.
  • Table captions must be styled consistently throughout the manuscript.
  • The first sentence of the table caption must match the text written in the List of Tables verbatim (word-for-word).

Table notes should be placed below the table.

Table Organization Format

All tables must be numbered consecutively and typed in Arabic numerals using a consistent style.

  • Option A: Sequential (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3,)
  • Option B: Sequential by Chapter (Table 1.1, Table 1.2, Table 1.3, Table 2.1, Table 2.2, Table 3.1, Table S.1/Table A.1)

NOTE: When labeling a table of supplementary material or additional info within the appendix, please use an indicator in the title, for example, but not limited to: placing a letter within the numbering.
Example: "Table S.1  Additional Findings" or "Table A.1  Additional Findings" 

If a table cannot fit onto a single page, it can be split between multiple pages.
Each page, after the first, must include a "(Continued)" caption above the table. This is what you will write instead of  the table's actual caption again.

The 鈥(Continued)鈥 caption is formatted and styled like all other table captions,
i.e., Table 2 (Continued) or Table 2: (Continued). See example PDF at top of page.