Broadening Participation

BPC Award

The CSE Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Award is to celebrate a faculty member who has made efforts to broaden participation in computing at ÎÞÂëרÇø. The award will be presented at the first Department meeting of the year. Applications will be reviewed by a committee with a focus on impact.

At this time, the award is for CSE faculty only. Award recipients will have demonstrated a thorough understanding and appreciation of BPC activities. Example activities might include one or more of the following but not limited to:

  • Conduct research and scholarly activities that enhance the department's BPC goals.
  • Assist in the recruitment and retention of faculty, staff, students, and volunteers.
  • Provide or actively participate in opportunities to raise awareness of BPC within the university and the in the community in which they live, study, or work.
  • Actively seek to increase their knowledge of current BPC topics through attending related classes, seminars, groups, events, and so on.


  • The 2023 award recipient is Dr. Schinnel Small for her efforts in implementing BPC practices in the classroom, and succeeding Dr. Wang as the BPC committee chair.
  • The 2022 award recipient is Dr. Ken Christensen for​ his dedicated efforts and leadership in recruiting and retaining underrepresented groups in computing that resulted in a sustained progress. 
  • The 2021 award recipient is Dr. Larry Hall for launching and leading the departmental BPC efforts as the department chair.
  •  The 2020 award recipient is Dr. Jing Wang for her leadership in developing the department BPC plan and chairing the BPC committee.