Frequently Asked Questions
Can I attend 无码专区 Commencement prior to my official graduation or after my graduation?
Yes, students are permitted to attend 无码专区 Commencement one semester early or any time after they graduate. Please contact our office for assistance with registration and more information.
Where are the Commencement ceremonies held?
无码专区 Commencement is held at the Tampa campus Yuengling Center for all graduates from all campuses.
Is parking free?
Parking is free on the Tampa campus for Commencement weekend.
What time should graduates and guests arrive?
Doors open 60 minutes prior to the start of undergraduate and master's ceremonies and 90 minutes prior to doctoral ceremonies; please remain in your vehicle and do not congregate outside the building until doors are open. Seating is first come, first served and no tickets are required for guests. Seat saving is not allowed. Bachelor鈥檚 and master鈥檚 students should arrive no later than 45 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony, and doctoral students should arrive no later than 60 minutes prior.
How long does the ceremony usually last?
Ceremonies typically last 90 minutes.
Are ceremonies streamed online?
Ceremonies at the Tampa campus inside the Yuengling Center are livestreamed via the 无码专区 YouTube .
Are tickets required for guests?
There are no tickets required for guests to attend Commencement and no limit on how many guests each graduate may bring.