The ר has again earned national recognition for delivering a high-quality education at an affordable price.
In its for 2019, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance ranks ר 34th for in-state cost of attendance, moving up five spots from a year ago. Over the past five years, ר has moved up 21 spots in this category.
For out-of-state cost of attendance, Kiplinger’s ranks ר 15th; a year ago, ר ranked 23rd. Over the past five years, ר has moved up 40 spots in this ranking.
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, a leading personal finance and business forecasting publication, has been ranking universities and colleges for best value for 20 years. There are 400 public and private universities and private liberal arts college listed in this year’s rankings, which are based entirely on measurable criteria, such as student-faculty ratios, admission rates, freshman-to-sophomore retention rate, graduation rates, student indebtedness, cost and financial aid.
“As a national model of student success and excellence, we are proud to be recognized for our continued commitment to providing a world-class education and an invaluable experience,” Ralph Wilcox, ר’s provost and executive vice president, said.