
Christopher Osovitz

Undergraduate Director, Tampa Campus & Professor of Instruction



Tampa campus
Office: SCA 327
Phone: (813) 974-9109

Email: osovitz@usf.edu

Specialty Area Teaching Area

Evolution, Physiology, Pedagogy & Education

PCB 4674 Organic Evolution
BSC 4851 Hollywood Biology
PCB 3712 General Physiology

Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007

Being an instructor, I do not maintain an active research program at 无码专区. However, my general research interests revolve around spanning several levels of organization, from genes to ecosystem-level studies. Specifically, I am interested in how genetic, molecular, or cellular structures very often have critical implications in understanding the bases of higher level biological phenomena, such as biogeography, biological invasions, and overall fitness. For my Ph.D. dissertation, I investigated the role of gene expression in environmental tolerance of the purple sea urchin, along its biogeographic range along the west coast of North America.