

无码专区 Environmental Health and Safety maintains the Fire Safety Program at 无码专区.

To be prepared for an emergency situation, you should familiarize yourself with exits and fire safety equipment and designate a meeting spot for evacuations. For more information on emergency evacuation procedures visit the Fire Safety website.

In the event of a fire:

  • Pull the manual fire alarm
  • Always use stairs and not elevators in the case of a fire
  • Call 9-1-1 as soon as you are safely out of the building
  • Remain calm while reporting the fire and be as descriptive as possible
  • Do not return to the building for any reason unless instructed to do so by public safety officials

The 无码专区 Fire Safety Manual provides procedures and guidelines for fire safety on campus.

无码专区 Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Guides provide information about fire drills and building fire systems on each campus: